Payment Processor
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In HYIP business, having an account in one of the payment processors is a must. Why? Because all of payment are done through their service. The payment processors are acting as banks - they are the intermediaries between us and HYIPs. The payment processors provides online money or people called it e-currencies.
Some of the popular payment processors are LibertyReserve (LR), E-gold, E-bullion, Pecunix, AlertPay and lots more. It's not a necessary to open an account in all those payment processor, but it's not going to hurt if you do because every HYIP accept payment from different payment processor. For example, a HYIP accept LR and E-gold and doesn't accept payment from the others. However, having an account on LR is really a MUST - almost all HYIP accept payment from LR and LR has the best rates and the best fee.
Talk to you more on LR and other payment processors in the post.
Posted byscreamoyz at 4:02 PM
Labels: Payment Processor