June 2008: Raining Scam!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This month is really raining scam. I have noted some HYIP that have closed down quicker (all HYIP is going to close sooner or later). I have invested on some of them, and decided to pass on the others.
The HYIP's that have turned into scam are as folllow:
1. Alcoholding
2. Euinvestment
3. EuroAvinex
4. iMonet
5. ConstantProfit
6. IMoneyTrader
7. HenryGordon
8. LRInstant
LRInstant may not be a scam for some of you yet. But, trust me it WILL, LRInstant is really a scam. It used to pay me instantly. Now, all my withdrawal are still pending. It only pay to some investors and decided to cheat on the others (selective payment). So, don't invest here. If you have invested, witdraw ALL your money quickly.
Well, that's the world of HYIP's. We all now that eventually all of them are going to be a scam. They can't do "rob Peter, pay Paul" forever. What we can do is trust our gut and hope that it has given us our profit before it decided to vanish from the face of the Net.
Posted byscreamoyz at 4:10 AM